As soon as you Enroll, You will receive a Welcome Email with a Whatsapp link to join our ProfitMakerz Whatsapp Group. and a Facebook link to ProfitMakerz Facebook Community Group.
These groups are solely to discuss queries/quick questions, which will be answered by me or any one who knows the answers to your queries.
Its purely for knowledge sharing and if the equations are set within community members, you get References/Accomplices/Associates for your businesses.
After that, you will receive a separate Email, in which you will receive Zoom Details of the event.
There are 2 separate webinars on separate days. 1 day it will be in Hindi, 1 day it will be in English.
Once you have enrolled in any 1 language, you can still attend in the other language.
In that case, you can attend next event, which will be notified through further Email/Whatsapp Communications. Not just that, if you again want to attend the event, to get more clarity, you can attend same event N number of times. No restrictions! You don’t have to pay anything extra.
In every event, you will get updated knowledge progressively.
Yes, there will be an Upsell. But more than selling anything to you, it is to equip you with the powerful tools to expedite your Cold Emailing Journey.
I firmly believe, that when I empower you with the knowledge of Techniques & Tools, I make sure, that you achieve your expected results straight away, instead of wasting time in figuring ways out yourself.
When you achieve all that was promised to you, That is my REAL EARNING.
No! This is a live event. From our past experiences, we have learnt, that after buying the content, people generally keep postponing to watch and they deprive themselves from the results they wanted, before enrolling in the Webinar.
I honestly want, You to learn and get results in the first place!